Controversial thoughts and a ceremony to process them
Join me live in an hour or let my writings sink in whenever you have the time for honest reflection
Today at 4pm UK time I am holding a SAMHAIN CEREMONY (online) with Morgan le Fey as our guide to Avalon, to which we undertake an inner vision journey together. Appr. 1.5h, £10 (the replay will be send to everyone who registers).
This is not your usual wheel of the year celebration, but a deeply activating and touching ceremony, in which I reveal a secret (hidden in plain sight) and open a pathway to the Shining Isle, which should only be entered during this time of year.
Traditionally Samhain would have been honoured with ritual, ceremony and gatherings around the dark or new moon, which is pulling us closer already.
It is a time to accept and recognise death as part of life and allow transition to occur. To release our clinging grip of summers abundance and embrace the mysterious unknown.
Stories and explanation about Samhain and how it can open the portal to the Faery Realm, what happens in the Otherworld and to guide you on an inner journey to the Shining Isle, which is accessible during this time and might bring you messages from ancestors and spirit guides.
It is not without a heavy heart that I write these lines, pondering about death when there are humans dying not of natural causes but of the hands, machines and manipulations of other humans. It´s scary, it´s unfair, it´s absolutely heartbreaking.
I can only look to my son, a beaming light and hope in my life and feel the most and utter respect and gratitude and humility for being able to live happily, freely, healthy and to s good degree: sovereign. That I have the choice to create my days and can pass this on to Fynn.
Now, thoughts come to mind such as “it is all happening for a reason” or “our souls chose to reincarnate now to make xyz lessons” or “external war is a reflection on internal battles and humanity needs to heal itself” - but they all seem like bandaids. To make it bearable. To distract the mind from the inexplicable terror that others have to endure. No matter be it through natural catastrophes like fires or storms or bombs. It seems only more cruel to think that we could do this to one another.
It does not make sense to me.
It makes me furious.
ESPECIALLY if I think about the popular phrase “as within so without”. Because being in the holistic world, as a ceremonialist and teacher and ambitious inner change alchemist - it seems too little a reason or too sad a truth, that injustice, crimes, dishonesty, power games and conflict stems from humans with decision opportunity, money and influence who act out of trauma or wounding. Causing suffering to others.
When I personally experienced healing and transformation and felt love and went through the pain and keep facing discomfort in order to create a world (at least my little bubble) that is based on compassion, understanding, genuine connection and support.
It´s possible.
I´m not holding a future vision, I actually live it day by day in my present!
So how - on earth - is it also possible that people kill? I know, I know. Survival fears being triggered or century long manipulation/propaganda/fear mongering has been used to make people compliant. To disconnect, dissociate them from their true, natural, compassionate, loving and connecting self. WHY? For what? To repeat cycles? To learn from them?
Honestly, it still doesn´t make sense to me and I am not trying to find another bandaid. For now, I choose to stop my racing thoughts, feel the grief and then come into presence again with my immediate surrounding. Not to detach from what seems to be going on elsewhere through the filters of media, but to take responsibility for my life. To respond to my environment. Which, at the moment is teaching me EVERYTHING about the Unknown. That which does not make sense. That which is not to be explained. That which is not to be analysed.
It´s the most scary thing. And yet the most liberating.
This is why humans have gathered in ceremony for millennia. This is why we perform rituals. This is why we honour and respect nature and all its creations. It´s a rite of passage.
And I am coming to terms with the fact that only because I choose to repeatedly face the inevitable, I can´t make other people choose, nor convince them, when they are too caught up in pain or fear.
Again, one of the most scary things to watch others walk the path of destruction and not being able to make them choose the path of (co)creation.
Surrendering. I don´t know. I despair. I come to terms. Repeat.
´Tis the Season. Blessed Samhain. Sacred descend.