A new moon, a new (Chinese) year, lunar Imbolc — the clock strikes emergence.
A great time for diving into your wildest dreams and life visions. First, tend to the soil in which you are planting your seeds: write down or share with your beloved or friend (maybe over a cup of cacao) how far you have come, what you have achieved the past year(s) and any unexpected but blessed twists and turns that brought you to where you are now. Which skills, qualities and projects have you acquired and mastered even? Which ones would you like to further develop?
Examine the seed you are or already have planted: What exactly is it you want and WHY? What does your heart truly desire and what need is hiding under the mantle of material goods, partnerships or business goals?
Then comes the actual manifesting action: the day to day decisions, the longterm change brought forward in little moments of discerning between head and heart, of choosing love, trust, joy, expansion above fear, pain, hiding, grudging. Transform envy into inspiration and most importantly: FOCUS ON YOUR PATH. And the good it will bring to your environment, your people, your community when you do you and therefore allow them to do them. Coming together and choosing each other from a place of genuine care and capacity. Remember, Aquarius (Sun and Moon are currently in this zodiac sign) is all about bringing your uniqueness into this world to lead with weirdness and serve the greater good and community.
Tomorrow we are celebrating the Chinese New Year of the DRAGON. Since moving to Glastonbury and particularly after the conception of my son, the dragon has accompanied me. Its energy? Strong, powerful, earthy, firey, airy, magical and transformative. Raw nature in its core and creative force under its wings.
The dragon as a Chinese zodiac sign stands for authority, prosperity, good fortune, evolution, improvement, abundance and promises a year of rejuvenated beginnings for longterm success.
You know I love mythology and even more the research into the core origin of the distorted stories they became. Dragon lore is one of them: we have been told many stories about poor ladies being abducted by dragons, longingly awaiting their knight who ends up killing the “beast”.
The dragon however was never the enemy of the woman, nor did the man need to kill it. It is life force, kundalini, sexual serpent energy, creation and raw fierce and also feminine nature. Everything the church tried to kill.
I believe this year we are fully remembering our strengths and start to focus on what we can create in our lives and for our communities instead of outsourcing responsibility and comparing ourselves with others. In other words: Embodied sovereign leadership. Be it for our families, in our friend circle, a big audience or simply for ourselves.
For me personally this looks like believing in my visions and bringing my dreams to life:
*A Name Change and Work Pivot
You will receive my writings in the future from a new email address and a new title: Sovereign. Embodied Leadership with Laura Durban
My passion and expertise lies in teaching, training and facilitating with a main mission of guiding you to your own integral and sovereign leadership - no matter if you are a facilitator of sacred space, a cacao practitioner, business leader, a parent guiding the new generation or simply yourself awakening to your personal power! This Substack will provide you with valuable insights in the world of facilitation, leadership and integrity through inner alchemy, mythology & western mystery tradition and seasonal living for reconnection and remembering our innate nature.
If you want to learn specifically about holding space with plant medicine cacao for healing and personal transformation please subscribe to my publication
Kakaozauber | Cacao Enchantment (german & english option possible)
*I am hosting two Retreats this year:
THE DRAGON Retreat in Wales, land of the dragon: September 17th-22nd
In the stunning mythical snowdonia mountains, amongst lakes, rivers and waterfalls we come together as sacred (life) leaders, interdependent men & women to celebrate Autumn Equinox and our inner balance. Ceremonial-grade cacao will be served in ceremony and ritual daily, food is catered for and nature provides the perfect landing space for us to remember our innate life force and step into our creation power!
THE HEART OF AVALON Retreat in Glastonbury: October 27th-31st
A magical healing and transformative pilgrimage to the Healing Waters on the Holy Isle. Prepare for your inner rebirth during the Samhain portal and the Celtic New Year. An initiation into the mysteries of the West, our innate healing abilities and making meaning of life through the weaving of stories and inner alchemy. We journey with hawthorn, cacao, rose and connect to the Elven Nature Spirits, the Ladies of the Lake and our own archetypal priestess selves.
Mark the dates in your calendar, schedules and prices will be released soon
This Imbolc I took part in a community ritual at the two sacred springs here in Glastonbury in honour of the turning of the wheel of the year. From within the belly of the great mother we get to soften her wintery embrace and get ready to be born anew, having our inner light ignited by goddess Brigid and her holy fire.
I do feel an outward reaching energy, an expansive stretch, reaching towards the sky, whilst my feet are still firmly rooted in the earth.
During this auspicious time of Imbolc, the goddess Brigid emerges from the darkness of winter, prepared to take over the reign of the light half of the year. She who is ancient, not to be erased, celebrated through light and invited inside at night, she who is keeper of the sacred flame and honoured at wells and springs, returns to kiss nature´s bounty awake.
It couldn´t be more auspicious for me to move into an incredible house with a well in our living room, a ceremony space with Tor view and woodland with springs outside - just a short drive outside of Glastonbury.
New beginnings within and without, after a bit of a chaotic landing and slow start into a new routine. Expect a potent name change, new writings and offerings in the coming weeks.
This new home of ours is a short term let, offered to us by a wonderful connection with a generous discount as they are waiting to sell this property.
We said yes to the offer before I even saw the place, not expecting the magic that would await me here. Knowing we would be making plans to embark on a much bigger journey:
Come April we will pack our bags yet again to drive back to Germany and start a season of travelling with destinations such as Italy, Greece, Ireland and Wales. Iceland was on the list, too but finances and flights have yet to appear for that one (it would be over my summer solstice birthday, so I still hold hopes for this big wish, otherwise I know it will be reserved for another time in the future).
It is a big bold move for us, financially and organisationally.
We have to juggle our work time in between travels, arrival, meeting friends, etc - it always takes much more time to socialise and unpack/pack/unpack/repeat and drive that I anticipate. Plus the odd off days, when we need rest. The finances are more so a mental struggle as trying to rent in Southwest England is not affordable for us either in our current situation and having lived in various countries myself I am aware the cost of living is much cheaper elsewhere, but of course: fuel, ferries and accommodation will accumulate.
I am however in good faith that by living a different lifestyle that helps us feel free and face some new edges for growth, we expand in our work as well. Fynn is in a perfect exploring age, which makes me excited thinking about warmer climates and lots of various landscapes.
More intimate insights and personal life lessons will be sent to paying subscribers only in the future. Including my birth story and parenthood insights, partnership spice and coaching insights.
I have not activated the paid option on this Substack yet and would appreciate your pledge! For me to gauge interest <3
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Beautiful insights to Imbolc and the lunar new year, I loved your take on the dragon, thank you. I also love your new name and the sound of your retreats, as well as your incredibly exciting travels. It sounds like you have a very exploratory time ahead, wishing you lots of luck on your unfolding path xx
Ooooooh I love all of this and am so excited to be witnessing this journey! I love the sounds of your retreats, especially the Glastonbury one. Seeing you claiming this leadership role is so so inspiring!!! Can’t wait to see it all unfold, and hopefully meet again at some point between your adventures xxx