Making Magic Real
First time sharing a video on here with a simple yet profound practice for you.
To be truthful, my title really is an oxymoron because we don't need to make something real that already exists.
Magic is real, no matter if you believe it or not.
It is the irrational inexplicable life force and source for the creation of the universe, the synchronicities that occur and the little wonders of life.
Magic is the ocean in which we swim, the air that we breathe, the god*ess in which we believe.
We might decide to not believe in it (and choose science over god*ess) or take it for granted and don´t waste thoughts on it but still we breathe, still we live and still we continue to create.
So why make it real when it is a given anyway?
We were taught to disregard magic, block it and now WE LONG TO REMEMBER!
I bet many of you are following my journey and reading my articles on dragons, Avalon, mythology and sovereignty because you desire to experience Magic and already sense that it exists but want to give it more space in your life and more evidence for your brain to stop doubting.
There is a reason for so many turning to plant medicine, ancient mythologies, pre-christian stories and philosophies of other cultures, tarot cards and new age spiritualism. Because we know the world is full of magical potential!
The problem is, that we were not shown nor encouraged to look for it within, hence why we keep looking everywhere outside of us - in the gurus, the cards, the crystals, the self-help industry, the film.
Although we are finally remembering that magic exists, it dangles like the carrot in front of the donkey's head, tempting him, but he never quite reaches the carrot. The donkey gets to smell it but never quite taste it, never reaches the pleasure of crunching it beneath his teeth and taking it in, fully benefiting from its nutrients and processing it through his body to release the rest which fertilises the soil and so enters a beautiful energy circuit. Or worse, the donkey only gets the carrot after he has done his hard hard work as a conditional reward (not very magical).
That's why I love Cacao! It not only gives you a flavour of magic but an actual taste AND it also teaches you - with integrated practices and your dedicated inner work - how to cultivate magic yourself, without any tools needed! I´m talking 100% pure ceremonial grade cacao, the whole food chocolate is made from, if you haven´t heard of it yet, check out the article below the video.
Cacao can be a quick easy yummy fix for a boring, miserable or stressful day, it can be a pleasurable support and physical nourishment. AND it can become a deep plant medicine that together with your active participation, willingness to show up, embrace change and look within - unlocks the door to fantasy, wonder and mystery. All of which is found in your real life and not only in a movie, video game or book.
Because that is truly what we are capable of: we are all magicians and sorceresses who can enchant our own lives.We have plenty of tools and practices that help us channel our magic, but don't forget that these tools are merely the sign posts, you are path!
With this video I wish to give you a practical, very real and super quick and easy idea how to get present about the path you are on and hopefully enhance your next steps with a sprinkle of magic!
It is called Finding Presence Within and I recorded it because I was asked by my students about how they can practice to be more present, in the moment and how they can bring the presence of their sacred cacao moments into mundane daily life tasks.
(You don´t need any cacao to do this work, again no tools required unless they resonate and help you to devote to your practice).
Enjoy and please hit reply if it resonates, helps, you want to know more or have your own insights to share!
Intrigued by ceremonial cacao and curious to journey with me?
For those that don´t know me yet, I am drinking and working with ceremonial cacao since 2017 and have around 70 ceramic mugs to drink it out of, so you can guess how obsessed I am ;) To not overload this publication with my main profession (cacao teacher, facilitation mentor and ceremonialist), I share it all in my cacao specific publication (english & german), like my personal story on how I came to Cacao and how it transformed my life from the inside out here:
My upcoming offering is a two week guided exploration of cacao, how to integrate her authentically and magically into your life.
It enables you to connect with cacao and the plant spirit in your daily life, no matter if you are a busy mom, stressed (or blissed out) entrepreneur or student with endless time for morning practice and spiritual exploration. Founding members of my cacao publication
JOINING ROOTS WITH CACAO: A Ceremonial Cacao Dieta, in german and english.
English speakers click on this post, germans click below »
We start at Spring Equinox, german ceremony on March 22nd & the english ceremony on March 25th - you will get all details automatically as a founding member!
With a smile,