The resurrection of the Sun´s Reign
Rebirthing our own self with the Spring Equinox. Happy astrological new year!
Blessed Spring Equinox, equal light and day. Known in Gaelic as Alban Eilir = The Light of the Earth.
We are approaching the first full moon of the astrological new year and instead of illuminating our new path ahead, it comes with a lunar eclipse in the night of the 24th to the 25th. It brings to light what has been hidden and dwelled in the unconscious realms. What road block, glass ceiling or repeating pattern did you come up against last year, particularly since the autumn equinox in September? Or on a bigger scale: What happened in 2004-2006 that informed your next 20 years and conditioned your relationships - with loved ones, work, passions, yourself?
This lunar eclipse equips you with all that you need to finally unearth what has been holding you back from moving your potential forward and closing the gap between who you were and who you want to become.
Now, this is not the time to be setting intentions and trying your manifesting rituals. It is a time to bring your subconscious beliefs to light and consciously greet these beliefs that have kept you safe or been of service to you throughout the last 20 years. Allowing them to pass through and out of you as you make space for the beliefs you want to nurture and grow going forward.
It is a time to acknowledge how far you´ve come, how patient you have endured the challenges of winter and what dreams you have nurtured over the last season.
As the spring (in the northern hemisphere) greets us with fresh green buds, primrose flowers and magnolias magnetic magenta colours - can you see what emerges renewed in your life?
Are you ready to bloom?
In the pre-christian times Bran the Blessed, sovereign ruler of Britain would have been acknowledged with the return of the solar power. Bran means raven, and his sister was Branwen - white raven. the night and the day equal in importance.
Branwen was married to an Irish opponent to establish peace between the tribes but when Bran heard that she was abused, he came to save her, risking his life. In order for his men to cross the stormy seas, Bran uses his body as a bridge between the lands.
One who´d be a leader must be a bridge. - Bran The Blessed
Saving his sister´s life had cost him his own and with his last words he asked for his head to be buried under the white mound of the Tower Hill in London. Up to this date a place where druids gather on the Equinox.
The white mount is a faery hill, like the Glastonbury Tor, a home to the Shining Ones, the folk of the Sídhe. Síd ([ʃiːð], Old Irish „residence“, from Indo-Germanic *sēd-) is used to describe hills and describes the home of mythological creatures.
Bran knew about the true meaning of sovereignty and that it can only be bestowed in reciprocity and reverence to nature. Given by the goddess of sovereignty herself, an otherworldly personification of the earth, Bran knew his task was to return to her after having reigned as a great leader.
Bran can be seen as a solar king, rising with the sun on Spring Equinox, and upon retrieving his sister - the moon - he indeed needed to retreat with the Sun on Autumn Equinox.
Equinoxes are astrological bridges, days of transition, like dusk and dawn. The sacred liminal threshold of past and future.
What was and what will be are interconnected, bridged by the awareness that all seeds planted in the last season have been patiently waiting under ground, some gestated, others decomposed, but all of them responsible for the beauty we now start to see in our environment.
What you were informs who you will be and by becoming aware of who you are now, you are standing on your bridge.
Resurrect, Rebirth, Return
Resurrection was used in Christian contexts to refer to the rising of Christ from the dead or to the festival celebrating this rising (now known as Easter). The word eventually began to be used more generally in the senses of "resurgence" or "revival." Its Latin root, surgere, means "to rise."
Resurrection is the rising from the dead of a divine or human being who still retains his own personhood, or individuality, though the body may or may not be changed.
It is a concept of coming back to life after death, which might seem impossible, yet when we look to nature and her cyclical death and rebirth we can open our eyes towards the possibilities of constant renewal through constant death. Our skin cells, hair, nails are a good example of this phenomena. As are the fresh leaves that begin to dress up the trees in green after the old have been decomposing in the earth and left the branches barren over the winter. Barren but not truly dead. They were transforming within to be rebirthed without.
Rebirth of the goddess
Christian Holidays fall suspiciously close to more ancient pagan festivals and celebratory events. We know that the Church put in lot of efforts to replace the old traditions by allowing pagans to celebrate, but putting in place saints or biblical events. Especially when the events were too ingrained in the native cultures and couldn´t be erased from peoples lives, feast days were held close to the original celebration. Such as St. Patrick´s Day on the 17th of March which not only falls very close to the Spring Equinox - an astrological occurrence too noticeable to ignore and too celestial to replace - but also to the lesser known Irish holiday Sheelagh's Day on 18th of March, honouring Sheela Na Gig.
Síle na Gigh, a powerful and mysterious figure from medieval Europe who is presenting her exaggerated Vulva as portal of life and death. An ancient symbol of the creator goddess herself.
Her name is thought to mean “faery woman of the vulva”, ‘Sheela’ may come from ‘Sidhe’ the faerie people I mentioned above or ‘Sile’ meaning femininity, but also a special kind of woman: a Hag or spiritual woman, one with great power and wisdom.
The hag once more giving birth to new life from the death of the old. It is no surprise that Sheela´s Day is celebrated on the cusp of the spring equinox, when we honour and celebrate the fertile earth born again from winters womb.
Her carvings can be found in Ireland, Britain, France, Spain, and beyond. They are especially abundant in Ireland, where there are more Sheela Na Gigs than anywhere else combined.
She is mostly found on forgotten walls of country churches, graveyards, crumbling castles, and near sacred wells.
Sheela’s hands emphasise her exposed genitals. Her vulva offers a ripeness, a fullness, a portal. And yet her upper body is usually depicted as hideous, grotesque, provocative; a Creatrix of life and death in one glance.
Sheela has been called by many names—a whore, a witch, a hag, the devil, an evil-eye stone, a healer and a goddess. Sheela relishes in her mystery, it’s part of her arcane feminine power.
for more on Sheela Na Gig and other irish godesses hop over to and read her most recent article for
Sheela as a portal of rebirth clearly is a bridge herself. She bridges death and life, and represent therefore the great earth mother. Reminding us that change is at foot and not to be feared butt o be honoured and embraced.
Your personal return to life
The upcoming lunar eclipse can also be seen as a threshold that asks us to surrender to change. Eclipse means “to leave a usual place” and don´t have to be feared when we surrender to the inevitable. When we allow ourselves to be changed and even actively step towards new ways of relating to life.
In order for us to be take up space in this world we have to truly see ourselves and allow ourselves to fully live - in a cyclical way that is inherent in our nature as creatures of this earth.
Thank you for your willingness to TAKE UP SPACE in the world!
After all this is what we are here for on this earth - to root down deep and grow up high. To dance with natures cycles and crack open the egg shells of conditioning to rebirth ourselves anew - pure and imperfect.
In connection and co-creation with the natural world, in remembrance that we too are part of this ecosystem.
Only by becoming aware and taking care of our internal landscape can we protect and truly respect the external world - as within so without
Look back at what you tended to and is showing signs of growth.
Look back at what you were trying to force out of the ground before it was ready and might still make you wait several more months and ask for your devotion.
Look back at what you forgot, put aside, allowed to pause or completely gave up. And how this contributes to the space you now have to admire the buds that are opening instead.
Look back at the beliefs you hold that are not aligned with the beliefs of the person you wish to become.
Look back at the lands, the people, the heritage and society that have shaped you into who you are today.
Look back at the lands, the people, the cultures you chose and adapted to who helped you to peel layers of your upbringing back to find more of you.
And for those of you ready to integrate magic into your daily life and not just on seasonal festivals, here is your invitation for your spring rebirth: two weeks of cleaning up our diet AND our inner landscape whilst implementing cacao and personal development in a very practical and embodied way!
The guided live Cacao Dieta JOINING ROOTS starts March 25th (or 22nd for the germans, click here) with a full moon opening ceremony on Monday at 4pm UK time - right after the first lunar eclipse of the astrological new year.
Spring Equinox is the perfect time to set a powerful intention BEFORE the eclipse to get clear about where you are at and what draws you to establish an authentic connection to cacao and embody her teachings to enhance your life and expand your capacity to carry love out into the world like the bees the pollen. AND carry responsibility as a sacred leader.
The upcoming two weeks enable you to integrate cacao in your daily life, no matter if you are a busy mom, stressed (or blissed out) entrepreneur or student with endless time for morning practice and spiritual exploration.
It is meant to be accessible to all, because I genuinely believe that with our combined and individual efforts to embody cacaos teachings we change the world, starting with the small circles around us. Let us make waves of contentment, vulnerability, authenticity and acceptance of our (w)holy human experience. YOU CAN JOIN OVER HERE:
Cacao, as the true facilitator of our upcoming journey together, is presenting us with a crossroad: we can continue to consume her in order to nourish our bodies, add bliss to our daily life and find beauty in ceremony and eventually take up the lead, recognise her deeper teachings, embody our own values and live a sovereign life where the mundane and the sacred become one.
In Cacaos words, which she once whispered in Keith Wilson's ear, "There is no right way. It's all up to us and Cacao will enhance our own quest and go with us wherever we want to go.”
Eventually she will ask you to work her magic in all aspects of your life, but even then it is your responsibility to take action - or take another round with Cacao as your teacher until your life changes little by little, sometimes through big bold actions and sometimes through subtle changes only noticeable over years.
This is her beauty and compassion - Cacao´s graceful, patient and forgiving nature.
My character has yet to integrate the unconditional, non-judgmental aspect, as I am a bit more strict and strive very strongly for my own agenda of integrity and congruent living.
But as a trained teacher and experienced space holder, I have learned to take a step back and allow others to find their own solutions rather than present mine.
So this Cacao Dieta will be my guiding framework for YOUR personal endeavour. YOU determine the intensity, the dedication and the discipline.
If you have not already done so, please order pure, ceremonial cacao.
I recommend that you consume Cacao with a low caffeine content over such a long period of time. Keith's Cacao has the lowest caffeine content at 28mg per 28g serving and the highest theobromine content at 1310mg).
Since you will be consuming cacao daily and may want to avoid coffee, I want your nervous system to be able to regulate itself instead of being over stimulated. Unless of course you are used to the brand you are working with and are happy to use it for your daily intake!
You will need about 454g for the whole duration of the Cacao Dieta, that's 30g per day or 42g for the opening and closing ceremonies and 28g for the 13 days in between.
Worldwide shipping, with my discount link you get an initial 5% off and when you order 5 blocks (or more) you get an additional 10% discount.
If you are in the UK please send me a message and I can get Keith´s Cacao to you straight from my shelf.
If you are in Germany, you can contact my mother Dominique, who sells Keith's Cacao in her Freiburg nature workshop and also posts it, here are her contact details.
Thanks a million for your rich reflection Laura and for the lovely mention too! :-)
Thank you for your words, so much richness in your storytelling, and thank you for mentioning our ritual guide. I cannot wait for the dieta!!!! Xx