What you didn't know about sovereignty: the forgotten relationship
How you are blocking your power and the simple shift to co-create with life
I am writing this to you from my mom’s city balcony, overlooking the edge of the black forest on a splendid summer’s day in Germany. It’s been five years since I last celebrated my birthday (this Friday) in my country of origin. Truly a special day, summer solstice under the midsummer sun. You know, in the german language the sun is feminine, die Sonne. Same in, fun fact, Icelandic: sunna. The moon however, der Mond (or máni in Icelandic) is masculine, originating from a sibling pair of Norse Mythology. I am not sending this email to change the contemporary speak of sun and sky god and moon and earth goddess, I am sending it to allow you mind to open its boxes.
There are as many sun god/dess all across the cultures as there are moon god/desses and with the full moon falling exactly on my birthday and the solstice weekend we get to honour both! In whichever aspect, masculine or feminine, as you wish.

Being a non-native english speaker, I stumbled over the word sovereignty rather late in my life. In the very specific context of mythology. Which we will see very soon is an incredibly spiritual and necessary concept for our human purpose on this planet.
But before I tell you about my declaration to a word illuminated by the sheer force of the sun at this time (and why I chose this word for my personal newsletter and substack publication) let´s see what google tells us about the mainstream perception of sovereignty:
supreme power of self-determination and independence in reference to a government
Etymologically it relates to the old french soverain, borrowed from latin superanus meaning ‘above’ - hence the connection to supreme power or authority, supreme meaning ‘high’ or ‘great’.
Which connects to the word reign in sovereign, to ‘rule over’.
Now, this however - through monarchies, religion, patriarchy, you name it - is a tainted word, implementing that ruling over something makes one superior and therefore others inferior. And again, we are categorising, sun over moon, sky over earth, men over women…
When we think about sovereignty as self-governing, relating to our birthright of being free and taking responsibility for our actions and their consequences, we are questioned what part of ourselves we deem ‘higher’ than others? It seems that in this time the head became assigned with leadership, when actually it never was supposed to be one part (or governing entity) ruling over another because
Real sovereignty is a reciprocal, interdependent relationship.
The goddess as embodiment of the land, a woman, gives the right to rule to the king/knight, the man. Not any man but particularly the chosen one she deems worthy. The one who can prove himself loyal, respectful and strong enough to become a guardian and protector of land and people.
It is a relationship of responsibilities - a sacred reciprocity between humans and nature, creatures and kin, men and women.
And as goddess sovereignty can grant the king his right to rule, she can take it from him, should he not uphold the sacred contract.
Well, welcome in 2024, where the contract has been forgotten, its spokespeople ridiculed and we experience the centuries of consequences from this lost connection. Exploitation of earth’s gifts and human’s vulnerabilities, mental illnesses and a war-torn world. It is about time we reclaim our true sovereignty, in interdependence with ourselves, others and our environment. I will follow up with a more detailed article on how to do this practically in a week or two but for now I have one simple task for you to practice true sovereignty over the solstice and under the full moon:
Pay attention to where you are giving your power away (and to whom/what!) and where you are in turn trying to exert control over others (partner, family, co-workers, kids, pets, plants).
Spend as much time outside without interference or external stimulation other than nature’s sounds and sensations. It is an abundant time of bright days and manifestation energy: dream big but draw from the gratitude for what is already in your life! Let the sun show you YOUR light and excellence. What have you achieved and worked hard on until now? From here you can expand. You don´t need more from the external to reclaim your power. This only is possible from within.
Reclaim the relationship of your weaknesses and strengths (and how often one led to the other!), your head and your heart (and how they can both inform each other!) and your personal desires and gifts for the world.
Comment or reply to this email if you have further questions or requests!
Solstice Blessings with rainbow coloured cacao bubbles to you!
With a smile,
Haha, that’s why they got so mad when Glastonbury monks declared Arthur being buried in their abbey - it was a statement to dampen the welsh spirit.
Technically I think they have been conquered politically but so has Scotland and they too seem successful in keeping their sovereign minds, admirable!
Sounds. SO. AMAZING!!!